POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : image on sphere is reversed. : Re: image on sphere is reversed. Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:26:43 EST (-0500)
  Re: image on sphere is reversed.  
From: Chuck Roberts
Date: 25 Aug 1999 14:39:55
Message: <37C438BC.100EE10A@accn.org>
Here is the pertinent code:
#version 3
#include "colors.inc"
{assumed_gamma 1.0
#default {texture {pigment { color Red } } };
// ----------------------------------------
  location  <0.0, 1.5, -6.0>
  direction 1.5*z
  right     4/3*x
  look_at   <1.0, 0.0,  0.0>

{<0,0,0> 1
  texture  { pigment
        sys "earthmap.bmp" // supports gif, tga, png, sys (bmp)
        map_type 1    // 1=spherical mapping
        //interpolate 2 // smooth it
        once          // don't tile image, just one copy

      // transform it to unit-size (-1 to +1)
//        translate <0,180,0>
//        scale .7              // make it unit-sized
        rotate<0,180,180>      //rotate on Y axis over n frames
    finish {ambient 0.3}
    scale 1

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